Beers, burgers and lots of laughs: GMD Board organizes successful BBQ

Words by Sydney Cohee

bbqMultiple GMD students and staff were able to reunite on May 30th for a mental health workshop at the EUR campus followed by a low-key BBQ at the Biergarten in Rotterdam. Since combined courses are over and everyone is in the midst of working on individual theses, it was nice to see familiar faces again. The topic of the training, “dealing with stress” also seemed fitting as we navigate the final stages of the program. Attendees were given tools to identify their unique coping mechanisms to stress and share what sorts of things they would like to do more/less of in order to handle it in a healthy way. Strategies to help peers manage stress were also addressed. There was a lot of space given for discussion and reflection, and it felt like everyone left feeling refreshed and motivated to put what we learned into practice. Next, it was time to meet up with some other colleagues to enjoy a nice evening together outside with delicious beer and food. Over snacks and veggie burgers, students had a chance to take a welcome break from thesis work and chat with professors about current affairs, sports, and summer vacation plans. Proost!