Dr. Mirjam Twigt

Job title
Research Officer ⁠/ Postdoctoral Researcher at LDE GMD - Institute of History at Leiden University

Mirjam Twigt is a Research Officer ⁠/ Postdoctoral Researcher for the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity (LDE GMD)⁠. Her work is geared toward supporting interdisciplinary research on the interrelationship between migration AND diversity and the politics and power involved⁠. She is primarily based at the Institute of History at the University of Leiden⁠.

Mirjam obtained her Ph.D. at the School of Media, Communication, and Sociology from the University of Leicester, UK (2018)⁠. It considered the social and subjective roles that digital technologies play in the lives of urban refugees in Jordan⁠. She then moved to Jordan as she was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship by the Council of British Research in the Levant (CBRL) to conduct follow-up research on humanitarian communication⁠. She subsequently worked as a Research Officer for Jordan's main refugee legal aid provider. Her most recent postdoctoral research project at the University of Oslo⁠ was focused on refugee legal aid provision in the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI)⁠. It was part of the REF ARAB project, a research project led by Professor Maja Janmyr and funded by the Research Council of Norway geared to study refugee protection in non-signatory states in West Asia. 

Her monograph Mediated Lives: Waiting and Hope among Urban Iraqi Refugees was published in 2022 by Berghahn Books as part of their Forced Migration series⁠. Other research outcomes were published in high-quality academic journals or are under review⁠. She has also published in reports and other publications that are accessible to wider audiences⁠. This includes the work she did together with her REF-ARAB colleagues and research partner: together with Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre they produced a special feature on the Mobilization of Refugee Rights in the MENA in the Forced Migration Review (FMR) - the most-read publications among humanitarian practitioners - which is due to come out in June 2023⁠.

Mirjam Twigt