2nd podcast in series: LIVE!

Following a successful first podcast discussion, we are pleased to announce the second podcast in the LDE GMD anti-racism podcast series. 

This month, we will listen to NPR's Code Switch podcast, specifically to their 'Is it time to say RIP to P.O.C?' episode. The episode explores the necessity of intersectionality when discussing both racism and anti-racism. The episode also emphasizes how language, although well-intended, can have harmful effects on certain marginalized groups. Although US-based, the contents of the episode can easily be applied to European contexts.

Listen to the podcast here: https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/918418825/is-it-time-to-say-r-i-p-to-p-o-c

This episode's discussion session will take place on Thursday, May 27th between 14:00 and 14:45. Those interested should send an email to ntinu@essb.eur.nl to book their spot!