Closing Ceremony: First Cohort of Thesis Hub

Closing CeremonyJoined by their supervisors and civil servants from the Hague Municipality (Gemeente Den Haag), former students Tirza Pulleman, Evy Heugen, and Lilian van Leeuwen presented their research on the Hague Southwest and provided tangible recommendations to those in attendance. Each graduated student gave a short presentation on their research and provided attendees with a one-pager detailing the various recommendations.

The highly-attended closing ceremony was lauded as a success and we are excited to guide the second cohort towards the same outcome.

Read more about the initiative

Are you interested in reading the one-pager provided by the student researchers? Kindly find them below.

Tirza Pulleman, Recommendation

Tirza Text






Evy Heugen, Recommendation

Evy Heugen






Lilian van Leeuwn, Recommendation

Lilian van Leeuwen